On Saturday we grilled a rainbow trout of about 24 inches. I cut off the head and tail, split it lengthwise and removed the spine, and put the pieces skin side down on a metal grid that had been oiled with corn oil. I cooked it over a few coals in a covered grill, and pulled it out in about ten minutes.

I'm not killing wild fish of that size; my three year old granddaughter reeled it in at an area trout farm that morning. The fish was fresh. I didn't put any seasoning on it at all. After it was done I ate mine without any seasoning. My wife added salt and pepper to hers. The granddaughter dipped hers in ranch dressing. To each his (or her) own. We ate half at that meal, and ate the other half the next day in cold trout sandwiches.

That's a pretty simple grilling procedure, but it works for me. The water at the trout farm is very cold, and the fish tasted good, though a wild fish might have been even better.