Quote Originally Posted by Ernest View Post
I've written in these pages before how I began trout fishing with bait and then with spinners, but I turned to fly fishing because once the rudimentary skills are acquired it's much more effective.

When I meet another fisherman on the stream or at a bridge pool, a rare thing for me, he is usually a bait fisherman. He often assumes I will look down on his methods because so many other fly fishermen seem to do so. That's not the case with me, and I learn a lot about streams and fish from the bait fishermen, and I always try to give them some information they can use.
I really dont get fussed about the method that someone uses to catch trout--if it's legal then it's fine. Besides, who am I to pass judgement? A few weeks ago, I met and talked with a bloke fishing worms at a nearby small lake. He said that he'd wanted to try fly fishing but assumed it was too hard to learn all the casting. I handed him my rod and had him roll casting in a few minutes. I told him to not believe all the hype and mysticism that fly fishing has attracted. It's a fun way to fish--so is casting a bait or spinner.