It's been a very long time since I posted here. In fact I'm surprised I was even able to log on. So, although you guys don't know me, & will probably think I'm crazy, Gus knows me from his Rogue River days & can vouch for me. (that I am, in fact, certified crazy) So here goes.

First off, I hate those braided loop things with a real passion. Second, if there is any way I can eliminate a knot, I'm all for it. For the little stuff, say 5 wt & under, I favor the Dave Whitlock method of splicing a knot-less (store bought) tapered leader directly to the fly line. Much simpler than the Gray's loop, which was very good btw. For the heavier stuff, I prefer a loop to loop connection consisting of either a welded or a spliced loop on the line and a perfection loop on the leader. Neither Chinook Salmon, Sea run Browns, Steelhead, or big Carp have ever broken my loops.

It takes some practice to learn how to do this stuff, but what the hell, you guys have closed seasons. Down time. We fish all year long out here.

Hey Gus, I like that auto save feature. Saves a lot of time & frustration for fumble fingered old guys like me.

Thanks, JD