Now this looks my kinda site , certainly one i would like the chance to see more of!

I mean gimme ankle busting , shin scraping , elbow crushing knife-edge rocks! Gimme double-timing , deceitfull , back-stabbing knee deep waters that rush you off your feet into the dark gloomy pool below! gimme scour holes that catch you unawares and send you plummeting into the deep! ( erm... on second thoughts no actually im still tending a near busted knee due to this from earlier in the week :oops: ). gimme real wild trout!

* calms self *

Anyhow looking forward to contributing here and sharing my experiences ( both good and bad ) with others , the trout season starts soon here in the meantime i try my best to worry the grayling :mrgreen:

A couple of pics of the kind of places i like to fish from last year :)

