I love rods , got far too many ,some will never get waved by me again ,some only get an outing every couple of years ,they go from 5 ft which is a wee crank handle baitcaster in fibre glass via a slightly longer cane wee stream through lots of 7.9-9ft carbon in river rods ,with a Pezon Mitcelle in the mix there ,up in size there are 3 plastic 11.3 rods for drifting boat techniques + my new pre used Sage 11.3 #6 RPL ,and the come the big salmon guns all in Carbon or graphite as you will ,these range from 12.6 Hardy thru my other cheap sage at 14 foot up to the beast at 16foot via a 13 and an elderly Loomis 15 footer .
There are also glass rods for float fishing and casting for bass of the beach ,some other old but occaisonal use glass river rods of dubious parentage .
Oh and there is an 8ft Orvis Boron #5 ,great for chucking big dry flys .
All of those rods are cherished and most bring back happy memories .
Some even have moved from being rods to part of my balcony garden irrigation system