I caught probably 85% or more of my fish on this fly this year. Brook trout, salmon parr, rainbows, browns...everybody seems to love it. I gave up on my usual EHC w/BHPT dropper because The Thing was more successful.

I got the pattern from a local guide's blog, but being a new tyer I didn't have all of the materials, so I had to make some substitutions...thus "the thing". Mainly I wanted a fly that would float well repeatedly thru the riffles and pocket water. I omitted the dubbing from the original recipe and used different colored hackle, and made the wing out of white deer hair which helps with visibility and gives it a mayfly-ish silhouette.


size 14
brown or olive thread
golden pheasant tippet tail
15 white deer hairs for the wing, tied to stand up relatively straight, ends up being 2x hackle length
ginger or medium ginger hackle behind the wing, 8 wraps
dark red/mahogany hackle tied in front of the wing, 6 wraps