Well I must start by saying that I am thrilled to have rediscovered my favorite forum on the internet. I frequently checked my bookmark to the site, and eventually when the spam message was down, I decided to search and here I am. I only started posting on the previous SS shortly before it went down, although I have been a lurker for a long time. The diversity, quality and sense of community this site has is second to none.

So here is a brief year in review, as means of a introduction.

I started the season on some limestone creeks hunting these:

And landed my nicest fish to date on this stream and region:

Later in the spring, I explored a few places like this:

...and this:

to find some little gems, like these guys:

My fishing time slowed as summer set in but I did manage to sneak away to the Ausable in MI for the Hexagenia hatch.

And managed to find time to explore some small streams while up there:

Which brings us to now, late Fall with winter right around the bend. I am in my final semester of college and have been catching "super-senioritis" thanks to hunting steelhead. Surprisingly, where I am at, these fish are caught out of creeks not much larger than a small native stream.

And just recently, these have been turning up in the creeks right next to the steelhead:

I could have done more fishing, and should have. I guess that is how it always is, though. Graduating is certainly going to free up fishing time this spring, save for my job hunt. I look forward to posting here in the future, as well as reading and keeping up with everyone's fishing experiences. A huge thank you to the mods and admins that brought back my favorite fishing board on the web.
