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Vintage Fishing Dip Net 82

Vintage Fishing Dip Net 82" Long With Aluminum Frame & Push down extension pole


vintage Solid Silver Enamel Flexible Fish Pendant Ornament picture

vintage Solid Silver Enamel Flexible Fish Pendant Ornament


Rustic Shadowbox filled with vintage fishing items, lures, Shadow Box, tackle. picture

Rustic Shadowbox filled with vintage fishing items, lures, Shadow Box, tackle.


Vintage Metal Primitive Articulated Fish 7” Two Available picture

Vintage Metal Primitive Articulated Fish 7” Two Available





Vintage wooden fishing net float 4-5

Vintage wooden fishing net float 4-5"


Vintage wooden fishing net float 4-5

Vintage wooden fishing net float 4-5"


Vintage Japanese Glass Fishing Floats $8.50 each, choose green or bluish tinted picture

Vintage Japanese Glass Fishing Floats $8.50 each, choose green or bluish tinted


Vintage Chinese Porcelain Koi Fish Bead Necklace  24” picture

Vintage Chinese Porcelain Koi Fish Bead Necklace 24”


Antique 19th Century Howe Boale Rutland WI Fish Tail Red Cast Iron Scale picture

Antique 19th Century Howe Boale Rutland WI Fish Tail Red Cast Iron Scale
