Dude almost pulled the spray on a bull at a put and take lake...


I understand what Ernest writes though, I had someone read a story of mine and died trying to do what I did. People often do things on the whim of others so what Ernest tilts at, I understand.

The three of us stood around right before we took off from the car on our grand adventure up into a high mountain valley, far away from the road or anyone else. Both the other guys had bear spray and mine was in my bag in the car. They started laughing about, "I only have to be faster than the slowest man, Adam, looks like you are it!" and we all chuckled.

There is a part of me that just doesn't care for carrying anything.

There is a part of me that wants to be prepared.

On the reservation, I can't carry a pistol so sometimes I carry bear spray.

Bear spray is no big deal, if you hit someone with it, they are not going to die. It's no big deal.

And guns?

Be responsible, we have constitutional rights about arming ourselves and out in the outdoors is no problem far as I'm concerned. If someone wants to carry a Desert Eagle cause he is afraid of a coyote, if it is legal, none of my business.

Just like keeping fish to eat.

If it is legal, and you are following the law, then I got some matches to start the fire to cook those fish.