I can't justify the expense either, in fact it is just plain outside my means.

Without being specific the stretch I fish is known as a barbel water. The trout are wild fish and I suspect there are small populations along the length of the river wherever the habitat is right. Mayfly time was a revelation. Prior to that I was really beginning to doubt myself. But suddenly everything came alive and it was a fantastic hatch this year.

The numbers of fish aren't great so I suspect quite vulnerable to exploitation. One section I've stopped fishing because of a repeat capture. Size wise the fish have varied between 6" and 18" with most about 10". I have caught much bigger fish whilst fishing for the likes of chub and perch but those fish are quite predatory in lifestyle and unlikely to respond to standard fly tactics. It was these earlier accidental captures that put me on to these fish trout populations in the first place.

Have you ever read any the writings by the likes of HT Sheringham about the lower Kennet and trout? These writings from about 100 years ago make it quite apparent that the trout were there but except at Mayfly time were not a viable target for standard dry and nymph tactics.

Don't foget the free stretch of the Lambourn in Newbury (if you can put up with the dog walkers and "youf"). Term time weekdays after 10am and before 3pm seems to be best for avoiding any nuisance.
