I’ve worked on a fish, wildlife and people management career path since 1974 … and in Alaska since 1994. I’m a biologist, manager, LE officer, firearms instructor, defensive tactics instructor, and OC-10 (pepper spray) instructor. I’ve field investigated bear mauling where everything was done wrong and “death by bear” incidents where everything was done right. I’ve shot black and brown bear with handgun, slugs and rifle (not in defense of life situations.) I’ve sprayed “advancing” black, brown and polar bears; and 250+ thick neck LE officers who assured me they were going to kick my ass after I sprayed them (they are required by policy to get sprayed if they are going to carry spray.) It worked 100% of the time … end of story. The bears immediately stopped and exited the situation … as did I. The only officers that didn’t immediately go down had closed their eyes and held their breath (not much of a threat to me in that condition.) When they opened their eyes or took a breath … down they went. A breeze that quakes the aspen can be a wild card (read that problematic) in your applying the spray in the best manner and place (read that in the bear’s full face from less than 7 meters.) I’m also sure that there are “he said she said” stories that the spray didn’t work … and some may even be true.

When I day trip ride my motorcyles in Alaska I’m ATGATT … and that doesn’t include spray or deadly force (However if I just feel like shooting I’ll carry something appropriate … and yes … I have concealed permit.) If hiking to the fishing hole or overnight camping in the bush … I carry spray and/or handgun. If on extended float/hike “into the wild” I add long gun with slugs/nosler partition to the mix. Warning shots have never worked for me … if bears are coming to see what’s going on … they come anyway. But that doesn’t mean they’re coming to eat me. Work requires me to carry cracker shells. The only time they worked was when I shot them in the ass from a distance as they were already leaving the area and I wanted them stay “left.” If they come around again then I leave … after all, I’m the visitor in their home.

I'm perfectly comfortable just carrying bear spray (. . . or just a gun.) In AK and Canada documented reports . . . there have been more "succesful" stopping bear incidents with bear spray than with firearms . . . and you don't have to deal with a dead bear afterwords. Stay mindful, involved and prepared in the field … carry what you need and not a gram more.