Like you, she has been with me from a very young age. Most of the time when she was very young I would just let her play on the gravel bar and fish very close by. If I caught a fish great if not then we played in the creek. When she gets a little older take her to a spot with lots of panfish or anyplace the action is fast paced. Kids of a young age have a very short attention span and when they are done move on to something else. I always take the gps with me so she can fish/geocache/swim/explore/whatever else comes up(no video games though). She is old enough now we made a point of this being a fly fishing trip and she did very well. At one point after lunch she was just up stream of me and I hear her laughing and giggling as she floated by in the current...she took a break and went for a swim and thought it was pretty funny the way the current carried her big deal as I caught fish around her. :)