Quote Originally Posted by gstrand
Sweet. So, since your coming in contact with the hair sample, have you had any , um, "different" food cravings? Just wondering...
Uh, thanks for asking. I haven't noticed anything "different" yet, but if I start to take a new interest in our horses, or the neighbor's sheep, or the neighbor himself, I'll try to journal it.

Quote Originally Posted by jeepster
Nice. All you need now is some el Chupacabra hair. I've been on the hunt for one ever since I read this article last year.
I saw an animal once that I thought was a small wolf with the mange, but then it might have been a Chupacabra. The long coarse hairs along the creature's ridgeline might have been good for bucktails, or wrapped as a body on a nymph. I have a scissors on my pocket knife. I wonder what it would take to get close enough to harvest some of those hairs.