Ah man, Don! You know how to hurt a guy! Coconut encrusted!? ....made my mouth water.

I have had the pleasure of mahi (dorado) on the fly in Costa Rica (Drake Bay) and Mexico (Mulege). In Costa Rica we would cruise trash lines until we spotted a school. The capt. would catch one on a bullet-head jig and leave it hooked. The whole school would 'frenzy' and I'd cast a red/white clouser and strip back fast. They would slam it and it was "ON!" We steamed those filets wrapped in banana leaves over hardwood coals, bbq style. In Mexico, we would float up to rafts of sargasso-weed and chum them up with sardinas. They would only take a fly on a super-fast, two handed retrieve, practically skipping on the surface. Those filets were subjected to tender grilling over mesquite and placed lovingly within the most delicious thick, little corn tortillas on earth... and salsa cruda... con cerveza mas fria!

I've never caught one on a fly that approached the size of the long one you're holding. On traditional gear I helped my oldest son land a big one out of Nawiliwili (sp?) harbor, Kauai. It was a big bull. A great fish, fly or otherwise.. I agree, Mahi-mahi is an awesome fish.
