Yeah Gus... I think I did tell you that way back when. Yes, Al the Wop's is still there cranking out the steaks. That was one of my Dad's hangouts before his bar credit got called, then we never went back. I went there last year with some friends and had this creepy feeling somebody was gonna say, "hey... aren't you Danny's kid...? " and hit me up for his debt. I just can't get totally into the delta. A guy really needs a boat to do it right - not the Green Weenie type, something with some horsepower and a little more substance. Stripers have frustrated me. I catch shakers. My spin-fishing friend caught a fattie on top water (Zara-spook) this year, a 35lb. cow. His first cast of the day in Whiskey Slough.

I have had some great days on the Stannie above Orange Blossom for the rainbows. They've kept the water down this year and it has totally redistributed the fish. My usual haunt has had nothing but fry.
