One of my favorite reels is the discontinued Ross Vision reels. I have a couple "Ones" but would like to add a couple "Twos" I thought I paid a lot for mine but I see them listed now for 4-5 hundred!!! Spare spools are about $250!! Thats a whole reel maybe two!!

I do kick myself in the ass for not picking up the Winston Perfects a few years back. The local sport shop had about a dozen of them with spare spools. They got some sort of close out deal and were selling them for $300 (Reel and spare spool) My wife went down to get one as a present for me, and the guy in the shop said,"No you don't want those noisy clunky things!! Your husband will hate it!!!" The bastard made her feel ashamed for wanting to buy me one so she left without it!!! Geeeez!! At least her heart was in the right place!!

Paul McRoberts