No apology necessary.

But I generally don't agree with, disagree or understand what you write on this topic.

I'm ok with that.

I simply have a different perspective.

I am not trying to change your opinion however it is possible that you could change mind.

Nor do I feel like you are wrong or I am write.

I don't feel like I need to describe what "plastic" means in referencing a graphite rod, especially in light of the last rod I bought was one of the plastic variety and another one somewhere in the future.

I'm ok with making sweeping generalizations.

Anything bamboo is cool...

I am not special or trying to do anything more than show my passion for promoting fishing with bamboo.

...or plastic.

On a favorite section of a favorite stream, I will pull open a telescopic graphite rod, quickly attach a line to the tip and flick a cast pretending I am a kid again fishing with a cane pole.

We have a section here dedicated to Tenkara, pretty much dominated by one company and now it sounds like there is another guy who is going to import them to America. I'm looking for another avenue to find out if there are other plastic Tenkara rods out there instead of just one company. I would like to see a bunch of Tenkara rod companies available and more importantly, I would like to see the talented bamboo craftsmen make bamboo Tenkara rods available like the discipline came from.

On another section of that stream, on the same hike, I'll put together a short three piece bamboo fly rod (that I bought from a friend who made it specially for me) and send a cast to gin clear and skinny water to try and outwit a 6" brook trout. I don't need to catch a big fish to be happy, I don't even need to fish to be happy. I'll write about it and share it with other people around the world.

I enjoy that but my family is my source of joy.

I get to be me and you get to be you. (goes for anyone)

I am passionate about rods, reels, line, guys who tie beautiful flys, make wood fly rods, bamboo rods, plastic rods, drive old trucks, guys who sit at their computer in Alaska who are part of running our country's parks and resources and enjoy

I don't need anyone to fish the way I do, I simply enjoy writing about what I enjoy and reading about what others are passionate about.

Writing is a great pass time, I make web sites available for people to share common interests. I enjoy and promote diversity and I learn more from disagreements than I do from agreements.

I think the guys who are into bamboo are the best fly fisher's.

You are included in that group even though you like plastic rods.

Like I do.

All good, catch you later.