Impressive Gus, you are right, a pretty cool site.

I really like what I have read so far. It seems like there is a woman in the mix...

Forging Habits of Steel: 7 Tips on Making and Breaking Habits

That's the first article I read and I am going to read it again and again and use it to help me in my life.

Quote Originally Posted by Brett & Kate McKay
Habits make the man. Aristotle said, We are what we repeatedly do. If you want to be productive, you need the habit of planning. If you want to be physically fit, you need the habit of exercise. When you take a look at the habits in your life, what are they saying about you?

If you want to feel less restless and become more productive, its imperative that you break from your bad habits and develop good ones. When you have to decide every single day whether youre going to go the gym, plan out your day, or read a good book, when you leave those choices up to your whims, to that days circumstances and your current mood, youll usually end up punting. Its psychologically taxing to make the same decisions every day, and the more you fail to live up to your goals and break a contract with yourself, the less confident you become, and the less success you have with each new endeavor. As you begin to see yourself as a failure, it becomes a terrible self-fulfilling prophecy.

Men who feel like life is hard often have failed to form good habits. Every day is a struggle between what they want to do and what they end up doing instead. They can never find that groove, where the habits that make you stronger, healthier, and happier become almost automatic, giving you that feeling so central to a satisfied life: that of making continual progress.

If youre not happy with where youre at with your habits, below Ive provided a few timeless tips that great men have employed to become the men they wished to be.
...and the article goes into the seven steps, good simple, easy to understand concepts that are founded in understanding and success.

This will assist me in improving my life and those around me.

Very manly if I may say so myself.