Now, it´s really bugging me I don´t have any images from when we towed all the logs for the cabin to the property. I simply forgot the camera that trip.

Well anyway, the logging stood for 2 years to get it to "calm down" and settle before we took it down in March and drove it on a logging truck up to the high country where it was unloaded by the road. Me and my buddy towed the logs with the snowmobile the last distance. It took two days to do it and it was really easy with a big Yamaha four stroke Viking. That´s some neat machinery.

That summer of 2007 we headed up there and started to put the logging together. This is Peder again, the guy who made the logging, waving away mosquitos that was quite numerous that summer. My son Anders is checking so that everything is ok... ;)

This is in the evening a day later and the morning after we started to make the roofing with insulation and all. This time of year there is no dark or even dusk up there so we worked late hours to get the job done as quickly as possible. We had an evil overcast with some light rain from time to time which made us speed up the work as we knew the heavy rain was around the corner.

We started out on Monday by noon with the whole build-up and Peder left us on Thursday afternoon when Anders and I only had the steel roofing left to do. Friday by noon the roof was sealed and it started to rain. It rained for four days in a row and we were just plain lucky it didn´t come over us earlier, insulation and all....