That's what I'm after, introspection, I love it.

Around ohh, I don't remember exactly, I started a forum for chatter, the gravel bar I called it, I think I called it the "grovel bar" a play on words, a double entendre' I made it for a couple of reasons. Gus templated the site, put his own touches on it and you know it's hard to be a guest in your own home but he has made me feel like family and that's what I'm looking for (bite your lip Gus).

There are a ton of old stories to tell. Smallstreams used to be a lot different. Stories would come in and I would "schedule" them to appear in the different sections. We had a different message board, that was kind of cool. The architecture you see here works well for me and Gus knows it well, he compliments my weakness in knowing the code.

I am grateful that Gus was able to rescue the site as well.

But like anything, you won't be able to go home and have the same old thing, life just doesn't work that way. I'm going to go forward with what I know and I've learned a long time ago, I'm not going to be able to make everyone happy. But if people hang in there with me, they will see that I am extremely kind and willing to see bad things through and promote and bring forth the good. Years and years (mid 90's) of huge internet web sites (some bigger than this one and international in scope) has prompted me to be secure in who I am.

It's just a defense mechanism.

I/we offer the chance at bamboo fly rods, promote good writing, help charities, offer a place where you can meet with like minded anglers and all things fly fishing. It's a great site. I've meet way more cool people than a handful, that was for effect.

#24 wow, cool, midges.

I've got a box full of tiny tiny midges from Hans, Reversed Parachutes from you know who, I carry many things with me on the stream, often times like you, the best things are memories from this place. Cool of you to point that out.

Again, good to see you here.