Mikeytwoshoes took the picture but I made the meal.

Onstream for shore lunch, a "gourmet salame" such as Crespone sliced with bit of swiss or bleu or any stinky cheese, a good beer or a pre-mixed tequilla margarita is what I brought last time. As I move forward and get farther back in the woods, I'll start bringing a stove for "Udon" type noodles, pre-made just brew up some water and add or even a stir fry meal will work. I don't fish as often as I like so when I'm on stream, I like to put a little thought into it.

In the future, I'll detail some of my meals.

Everclear can power my alcohol stove, I'm going to try to come up with a mixer for that stuff, I like things that serve double duty, a double entendre' onstream, yeah.