I spent a few hours on the water the other day. I went to a creek I dont go to very often. Its big for a wild trout stream. Last time I was here was about a year and a half ago and it was roaring and over my head in several places. Today, it was low and clear and rarely exceeded a couple feet in depth.

After a short hike, I was standing on the bank overlooking the stream and rigging up. I saw several rises in the smooth surface of a run, but I didnt see any insects coming off and the fish werent breaking the surface. I tied on a #22 sparkle dun and a #22 bead head emerger on a short dropper. It was difficult sneaking into position and casting without alarming the fish due to the overhanging branches and crystal clear waster. I got one strike but wasnt able to set the hook before the rises ceased.

I moved up to the next run and took a healthy bow on the sparkle dun. The run beyond that gave up another one to the emerger.

After that, the makeup of the water changed so I switched to a #12 dry and a #14 dropper. I brought a few more to hand but had a number of missed strikes and early departures.

I missed a nice one along this log. I made a couple of drifts along the face of it with no interest. On the third cast I placed the flies tight in the corner where the thin stick lies across it. As my flies drifted along the crease beneath the log as it submerged into the water, a 12 inch trout darted out and grabbed the nymph. I lifted my rod but wasnt able to connect. I couldnt convince it to take another chance.

The day ended with about a dozen fish brought to hand. There were several missed opportunities, but no regrets. I cant think of a better way to have spent a fine fall day.