I must admit to being one of those people who spend a lot of time reading forums and rarely post. I also follow quite a few blogs too. They all serve as motivation/inspiration for those moments when I can't get out fishing.

I guess this is a long winded way of saying "it is about time I posted something"!

I'm a UK based angler and my home river is the Kennet. As I don't have a fat back account or salary I don't get to fish near home where it is very exclusive fly fishing instead I'm a member of a couple of clubs which gives me access to the middle/lower Kennet and also to the Avon and its tributaries in Wiltshire. All the sections I fish are what are described as mixed fisheries, i.e. not prime trout fishing.

Yesterday I decided to head south to fish the Avon not far from Stonehenge. It had been raining heavily overnight and I wasn't too sure what the water colour would be like. I was delighted to find the water clear.

It was about 7am when I started to fish and I decided to use a nymph. I hadn't long slid in to the stream (a carrier off the main river) when I noticed a rise only a few yards ahead. Taking the hint I switched to a dry and covered the area where I had seen the rise. 3rd or 4th cast and I was in. A nice wild brown of about 10" was duly caught and released.

I contimued to wade up the carrier covering the water as I went. I rose several but only landed 2 more.

With 3 trout landed and looking at my watch I thought I had better head home. My wife is very understanding but I didn't want to push my luck.

As I got near my car I decided to remove some fishing line with weights and float (bobber) that some child had broken off in a tree. As I waded out under the branch a fish rose just across from me. I couldn't resist so I cast to it and first time up it came. The strike was a success and trout number 4 was landed and released.

A perfect end to the trip.

Oh, and I did remove the lost line before I went home.
