Hello. Just introducing myself to the forum. I live in Manhattan but grew up in Dutchess County and still go there on weekends. I do a lot of 'Metro North' fishing as well as small stream fishing near the house. I guess you know you are a small stream angler when even when you decide to go river fishing ...... you stop few miles short of the Housetonic to fish obscure portions of the Ten-Mile and Swamp rivers, where you rarely catch big fish (and are often skunked!) but are always happy!

I am not really a forum participant by nature (though a huge reader), but when I googled "small stream fishing' and saw BrkTrt's "Winter and Small Streams" I knew this was a special place. When I read gusstrand's "Welcome" ( http://smallstreams.com/archive/index.php/t-6141.html ) and saw the history, dedication and quality of core members involved, I wanted to join.

I love little streams and little fish. That they are there, and I am there, and they are taking flies? Magic. Very happy to know there are others who feel the same way. I will look forward to reading your stories and admiring your photos of pretty fish in beautiful secret places. I've got some of photos and stories of my own which I may share at some point.

Best of the Best,