Last, .....but not least.......Andy Baird's package of Midges finally arrived in the mail today (second package). His first package (?) who knows where it is (kind of like Roy's first package last year). I get the feeling that Andy Baird, and Roy Christi are Fly Fishing Houseold names in the UK, and somewhere, some Postal or Customs person is enjoying Andy and Roy's Midges on a stream..........or they are forever lost in Postal limbo.
The Midges look fantastic Andy (his Fly Patterns are always nice). I will get all Midges sorted and send packages back out (let me know when you get your package). I want to thank everybody on the Sno-Fly IX list for taking out their time to share their talent and Knowledge of Midges. The Sno-Fly Tyers (past and present) are what have made the annual Sno-Fly Midge Swap successful, and the worldwide showcase of Midge patterns. If you have not yet posted your pattern recipe, please do so. Roy offered to take pictures of all the Midges. Either way, pictures will soon be posted, and I will post my pattern recipes as well. Now I do hope I can get in some fishing before they wheel my butt (and the rest of me) into surgery. Again, Thanks & Tight Lines !!!!!!!!!