The month of July has been pretty hot, and dry here in my neck of the woods. The streams have taken a hit and there flows really deminished, causing water temps to rise. I have been monitoring a few streams close to home. I'm happy to say the rains of a few days past have helped vastly, so that I was able to fish one of them for a few hours last week. The stream was brilliantly clear, and the waters were 60 to 64 degrees.

I had decieded to fish a fly that has been around for a spell, but not very often does it show up as being the fly that caught them.

A Royal Wulff

The fly was fished in the slower pools, as well as the riffles and runs and greated in all locations with a solid hit.

A few wild browns that enjoyed eating Royalty.

Fried Native Zucchini,

Brk Trt