Here in Connecticut we have not experienced signifacant rain in about 4 weeks, and this is having a diasterous impact on the small wild trout streams.

Last Friday I took a walk along one of my special streams and observed the low water first hand. As I walked I took stream temps and found a consistant 68 degree water temp, which is critical, and I'm sure it would have been higher if not for the ample leaf canopy. I saw many 3 to 5 inch brook holding in the riffles in an attempt to gather the most oxygen, and rapidly darting for cover when I was spotted. There are still good flows in some of the runs, and the undercut banks still hold cover for them.

The time for rain is now and another week of dry weather will definately decimate this stream.

This little jewel stayed for a photo, then disapeared into the undercut.

Lets all hope for rain.


Brk Trt