I enjoy fishing with you Satoshi.

In the old days of smallstreams.com, Gerard (South Africa) posted many stories (reports) from his area.

http://web.archive.org/web/200012041852 ... tream.html

Look at the bottom of the page for "South Africa" and you will see many of his stories.

S.Brooks wrote many stories from his area, New Mexico, all of those are his in that section, please take a moment.

I was looking for a Japanese angler to help us be well rounded, somewhere in the archives, you may find that request. Yoshikazu Fujioka was making his web site at about the same time.

Back then, the boys would send me their stories and I would put it all together and post the stories. This was at a time before we had a good forum that you could do it yourself. Back in those days, letters were starting to get replaced by e-mail.

Anyway, each one of those stories were sent to me and then I would build them and post them to the site, this site that I organized with my own stories and those of the people who had the same central idea as I did, we were a group.

If you would have been around smallstreams.com at that time, you would have been a part of that group; (BIGCAT) Brooks, Ivan, Gerard, Chef, adam, Ted except Chef would have come up with something different or maybe not, who knows. From an organic standpoint, we would have accepted you into this core group.

Things are very different now except when I read your stories, it brings back the awesome memories of trips from days gone by. You remind me what this place is built upon without the rhetoric.

With as much honor as I can put together, thank you for taking the time to share your interests with us.

YOU are an exact reflection of why this site exists.