After not being able to get out fishing at the weekend my good lady wife allowed me out this evening. Lucky for me my local river is 15 minutes drive (at most) from my front door. I grabbed my gear, jumped in car and set off for the river.

Nothing much showing, no mayfly as yet, not even any olives showing. It could be a hard evening. It was a reasonable warm day today (about 20C) but not much sunshine but at least the water has warmed up a fraction.

After no luck in the first couple of pools and spooking a decent looking trout on one of the bends of the river. Approaching a lovely S-bend in the river I saw a rise, and then another. The resident fish in this pool were feeding (these were probably the same ones that I lost the previous week).

I slipped into the pool and cast my klinkhamer over the rises ... no bites. I changed to a little Kite's Imperial-style parachute fly but still no joy. Looking in my fly box and seeing that there were quite a few little black flies hatching I saw that I'd tied up a couple of size 18 CDC-shuttlecock type flies (the body is a stripped peacock quill). I tied one on ... and on the 3rd or 4th cast a trout nailed it. After a decent fight I managed to land a 2.25 - 2.5lb trout. Absolutely lovely fish:

After letting the fish go back, I cast out again. I dead drifted the fly and just as I was about to lift it off the water another trout nailed the fly. A super looking 2lb fish:

A quick photo of the pool where I landed them from:

Sorry for the poor quality of the photos but I'm not very good at taking them :oops: