Now that the ultimate frisbee season has finally wound down and I'm no longer coaching I was hoping to get out for my first full day of fishing this year. Unfortunately a cold front moved in and after thunderstorms on Saturday, Sunday turned out to be seriously windy...gusts of 40+ mph. So no fishing for me. But here are some earlier pictures from what's become my go-to stream if I only have a couple hours to fish, since it's only 20 minutes from my house and has a great native brookie population.

Went out in early March when we had some nice weather and saw these bear tracks in the snow that hadn't yet melted...I think they were a day or three old, given the temperatures the couple days before I was out. Usually once a year there's a black bear that wanders into downtown Northampton. They either wander off on their own or get tranqqed and carted off. I followed these tracks around in a couple different directions but they eventually disappeared after 40 or 50 yards.

Upstream of the bridge where I park.

One of the residents. This stream has a good population, fish from 2 inches to 9 or 10. Last time I was out I met an older local guy who was fishing with worms. He had 3 good sized fish he kept. Bummer for me, but he grew up down the street and has been fishing the stream for a long time and he said he throws the smaller ones back.

Downstream from the bridge...about 50 yards below where I took this picture the stream becomes a seriously straight channel until it eventually curves and goes down another straight channel until it gets to the next reservoir.

Upstream from the bridge again.

There's also an otter that lives on this stretch of the river. Haven't gotten a picture of 'em yet, he's a quick little bugger.