Today was the first day that i've had any luck fishing a small stream. I've fished smaller streams before but never had any luck catching wild fish. I've fished C&R areas of MA that have healthy brookie populations but this was the first time i've had luck on a purely wild unstocked stream.

I noticed this stream yesterday when i spotted it through the woods driving towards a popular C&R area. I had a brutal skunking on the c&r so today i decided to explore this smaller body of water.

i started with a small hares ear and softhackle and didnt have any luck. I quickly worked up stream through many small pools. Settled in on one longer pool with the small nymphs, after not having any luck i gave streamers a try, and then some terrestrials. When i tried the dry flies I got a few quick slaps. No real solid takes, it may have been that the fly was too large.. i was fishing a parchute ant and a small foam beatle. After many slaps and failed hook ups I switched to a beaded prince nymph and after a few drifts landed this little wild brookie. I fished upstream through some other quality looking pools but that was it for the day.

a photo of the stream: (not the section i caught the brookie in)