Quote Originally Posted by Zac Sexton
We have this phenomenon out West called "WIND." And when it presents itself on the water I happen to be fishing, I would rather keep on fishing, than pack up and leave, b/c my rod won't toss the line in to the wind. That being said, I fish rods from 1 wt. to 12 wt., depending on the fly/water size, as well as the possibility of wind. I use a variety of rods to match the type of water--from ephemeral streams I can step across, to the Ocean--in an assortment of conditions. Most the time I fish 4, 5 and 6 wts., and can handle most conditions in that size range. Most the conditions. I often bring two rods, a lighter one and a heavier one, just in case the conditions change weather-wise, or if I'm fishing new water and I just don't know what I'm getting in to. And I like 3-4 pc. rods, so I can pack and travel more easily with them. But I fish 2 pc. rods, too. And I like bamboo best. But, I fish carbon-fiber, too. And I like rods that catch bigger fish, as opposed to cursed rods that only catch small fish. But, I like small fish too... :crazy:
Zac, good call on the wind. I would be much more inclined to fish the 3wts vs the 00wt if I was in an open area where wind can be an issue. As it is, most of the streams I fish are in wooded canyons, so even if its a "Red Flag Warning" day in Southern California, it can be nice on stream.