I am always bothered by the, seemingly increasing, use of the term "Plastic" rods.

I am bothered, #1 because it imparts a connotation (I feel intentionally), that denotes the Graphite/fiberglass rods as cheap, commodity-type products, and completely ignores the cost of R&D, tooling, etc... that goes into the manufacture of the blanks. I'm not arguing here that Glass/Graphite rods are better or worse than Bamboo/Wood, but I think its a bit unfair.

#2, I am bothered because its misleading. Fiberglass and graphite are not plastic, and while, in the strictest sense of the word, a polyester resin, could be considered plastic, this is a distinct material from plastics, as they are commonly known.

I just don't understand the reasoning behind why the term is used. seems like the only purpose is for implying an inferiority vs more "traditional" or "craftsman" style rods.

Am I missing something here?... Or is this just subtle elitism?