Received Gus' email, and since I enjoy this site so much but feel I don't have much to contribute due to my location, I'll give it a shot.
I'm in south coastal Louisiana at the end of the Atchafalaya Basin. Most of my fishing is done there, in swamps and bayous, but several times a year I make forays to streams and rivers. This one, in central Louisiana, is a rare jewel in a land of cypress trees, swamps and bayous:

There's scant few of these, with rock and rapids, in my state. It's a wonderful, beautiful little creek that offers up its spotted bass grudgingly. In fact, I'm more often skunked there than not, but keep going back, a 3 and a half hour drive each way, as often as I can. That's why I usually feel like I don't have much to say, but enjoy reading the reports and stories from other users of extremely. I do make yearly vacation trips, sometimes twice a year, to north Arkansas or to the Smokies, so I do get my feet wet in small streams, just not nearly often enough for my liking.

Thanks for this site. It's a rare jewel in its own right.