I tied up a few of my favorite small stream flies today.

Hook, Mustad #9671
Tail, woodchuck
Body, Aust possum
Wing, calftail
Hackle, Grizzly, Brown
Thread, hot orange

Tie in woodchuck guardhairs for tail

Wind back to just behind hookeye and tie in calftail wing

Trim calftail butts and wind back to tail tie in.
Tie in brown then grizzly hackle

Next dub on some Aust possum, approx 2 inches, then wind back to just in front of wing

Wind grizzly hackle to the front of wing and tie off and clip, then do the same with the brown hackle.

Whip finish and the fly is complete.

And after all that tying there was a roast chicken dinner with the fixins.

- Brk Trt