Monday and Tuesday I fished for a couple hours each day.A few rises to midges and caddis flies but despite overcast skies no blue winged olives like I had anticipated.I caught several trout both days but have yet to be successful at getting the camera out of my vest pocket to try and get pictures with one hand while playing the fish.Being slow to embrace new technology I have only owned a digital camera for a little over 3 months. I guess I could play the fish to exhaustion before even reaching for the camera but that's really not my style and I lost every single fish by it slipping off the barbless hook because I left slack get in the line while fumbling for the camera :oops: Eventually I'll manage to get some fish in these shots :D .This stream is Marylands answer to Pennsylvanias' LeTort. Beaver Creek is a spring fed limestoner that is rich in insect life and was one of Joe Brooks' favorite streams before hitting the big time as Outdoor Lifes fishing editor and moving away from this area.

A good spot to practice tenkara. Unless you are in the stream there are no backcasts in this area only roll casts and bow and arrow casts

This llama was constantly critiquing my casting style and after hooking a nice trout about 14-15" long and losing it while fumbling for the camera I'm sure that I heard the SOB snickering

Those of you who watch cable TVs' Home and Garden channel may have seen this home featured on one of their unique home segments.It started life last century as a grist mill and Beaver Creek actually flows through one side of the home where it turned the wheel that operated the stone milling wheel

Hope you enjoyed the journey on this stream where I started my trout fishing journey 50 years ago.