Just a few of my top catchers from this past season. There are a lot of great tiers on this board, so I hope these do justice :oops:

Micro Copper John

Hook: Tiemco 900BL, size #20
Bead: 2.0mm tungsten bead
Thread: Roman Moser Powersilk 10/0, olive
Tail: Pheasant tail
Body: Wire, copper
Thorax: Peacock herl
Thorax Cover: Pearl/Flash

Floating Nymph

Hook: Partridge SLD, #18
Thread: Roman Moser Powersilk 10/0, olive
Tail: Pheasant tail
Abdomen: Pheasant tail
Rib: Copper wire, fine
Thorax: Squirrel
Wing: Four CDC feathers, looped

Parachute Adams

Hook: Partridge SLD, #18
Thread: Sheer 14/0, grey
Post: Tiemco Aero Dry, fluorescent pink
Tail: Rooster hackle fibers (four grizzle, four brown)
Body: Superfine dubbing, grey
Wing: Rooster, grizzle and brown

Biot Paradun

Hook: Grip 11911BL, size #20
Thread: Danvilles Spider Web 16/0
Tail: Rooster hackle fibres, grizzle
Body: Goose biot, olive
Thorax: SLF dubbing, cinnamon
Hackle: Rooster, grizzle
Wing Post: Tiemco Aero Dry, white


Hook: Partridge Klinkhamer 15BN #14
Thread: Sheer 14/0, tan
Body: Ultra-fine dubbing, tan
Thorax: Peacock herl
Hackle: Rooster, grizzle
Wing Post: Hi-vis orange floating poly yarn