We were good sports and let our guides fish. Matt got this nice surgeon fish and I asked him how much he would pay me if I caught one, he said $50.

Well here is my $50 dollar fish. He didn't know I catch them all the time in hawaii. I got an even larger one after that. I think Matt realized he got hustled. I told him he didn't have to pay me. He was a great guide as they all are.

Biita got into the act and got a nice barred jack. We tried a couple of times for goldens but no love. That is why they are golden, tough fish to catch there.

The guides caught this huge mantis and we had it for a pupuu one night they are delicious.

Jesse with another nice bone.

Here is Craig out at korean wreck. The variety of fishing environments form blue water to white flats is stunning.

Here is my last bone. I had about 100 in between. It was sick seeing how much I could piss them off to chase the fly.
It was a reel good time with good friends and great memories were made.

The people are warming and generous, this picture sums up what rules mean in CI, you make your own.

Aloha for now, I will be back, I still have to catch a dam sailfish! Mems.