Memories of boyhood in the bonnie Scottish Highlands!
I well remember my first Atlantic salmon; I must have been about 10 or 11 and was burn fishing for the small brown trout that infested this particular burn. It was so overgrown that the only way to fish was to enter the water at a gap in the tangle of scrub and trot a fly down below wading down the middle. I had if I remember correctly I had a good haul of 6 in trout on my size 12 "Peter Ross" (The only fly I owned) when a particularly violent take showed a much larger fish. It bolted, not down but up stream and shot between my legs. My little 6 ft split cane rod bowed down to the water and in fright I fell over as the line sang a top C. Lucky me, the rod was a top from an old salmon rod and the cast a salmon one so the fish was duly hauled out, knocked on the head and borne off home with pride. Duly weighed it tipped the spring balance to a fraction over 5 lb