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Thread: Palmyra

  1. #1


    Aloha I got the unique opportunity to guide on Palmyra for the Nature Conservancy a couple of weeks ago. Here is Time Boyle owner of Columbia Sporting wear getting ready to board our jet leaving Honolulu and heading to Palmyra. It was about a 2 hour flight.

    Here is the group arriving at Palmyra. It is a remote island north of Christmas Island, part of the Line island group. The Nature Conservancy has done some remarkable things with the island like exterminating all the rats that were left there after World War II. During that period the island housed over 5,000 soldiers and they basically rebuilt the island into an oceanic airport.

    First thing the guys wanted to do was go fishing. Here is a picture of a nice bonefish hooked up, on the right hand side; with two of his buddies hanging around.

    Randy was able to land it and it was the first cast he had made on Palmyra. The bonefishing was wonderful with some nice sized aggressive hungry bones. Only problem was the lack of large schools, and the ever present sharks. We lost some to the sharks, but not as many as you would think. We came to think of the black tips as just part of the experience.

    They guys got lots of nice bonefish, and we practiced catch and release with barbless hooks and quick fighting techniques.

    It was great fun for me as a guide to hlep spot fish and watch so many nice hook-ups and battles. The real treat were all the hungry Ulua, GT's cruising the flats and the edge.

    Tim Boyle's 20lber

    Randy's 30lber

    Rocky's 50lber

    We went on a nice nature walk. Here is Rocky eating some heart of Palm.

    It was a great time and a wonderful experience. The Nature Conservancy and Fish and Wildlife are doing some very interesting and important research there. It was great of the Donors to have such an interest in conservation and preserving one of the truly unique ecosystems on the planet. I hope to get back there soon, Mems.

  2. #2
    Member Jax's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    New Zealand North Island
    Hey Mems you did say you were not only Lucky. But. You also just happened to live in Paradise.

    Great shots of good guys doing good work. Glad to see the fish came to the party.

  3. #3
    So much jealousy. Mems, how did you organise the trip? Are there regular flights?

  4. #4
    I once heard GT is the most difficult target for fly fishing.

  5. #5 plankowner
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Southern CT
    Stunning pics. What a fantastic trip, for the fishing and for the cause!

  6. #6 plankowner
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    boreal forest of Alaska
    Stunning place . . . and photos! Got to work ( and fish (8->)) there in 1990? doing baseline bioligical monitoring. The most intact island ecosystem of any island in the Pacific. Best snorkling on the face of the earth . . . if you can understand that you are NOT the top of the food chain while in the water. Looks like there are more facilities there now (8-<)

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