I've encountered quite a few black bears here in NM and southwestern CO while hiking, hunting (elk, not bear) and fishing . A few have even made me do a double-take since they've been large and cinnamon-colored, and I've read about the "Ghost Grizzlies" of SW CO one too many times. In one case, I had an arrow knocked while hidden under some gambel's oak, thinking an elk was coming my way. The bear got close enough to get my heart thumping (15 ft.), but wanted nothing to do with me once it figured out what I was. Anyway, in all encounters actually, the bears have turn and run as soon as they catch my scent. Had they decided to run at me, I don't think I could have un-holstered a sidearm or bear spray and gotten a shot off if I needed to. A word of caution from experience, keeping bear spray in your car/truck can be disastrous if the can overheats and explodes, especially in the cab of a small pick-up truck while driving!