
Not like that.

There are people that choose a tenkara rod and nothing else.

That would be a personal choice.

Western fly fishing has established itself as a great way to fish a small stream. There is proof that it predates tenkara but it could be argued that the early form of fly fishing is closer to tenkara like technique.

Tenkara is old but it is not new. It may be new to you, new to America but it is not new.

Tenkara in its earliest report was a efficient way for professional fisherman to bring fish to market. The earliest forms of Western Fly Fishing was written more about sport, a way to take fish for a meal.

Both are fly fishing.

Tenkara is an extremely efficient form of alpine (small mountain stream) angling. Many choose it as their only form, I do not. Neither does Yoshikazu Fujioka. He and I have corresponded over the years about mountain angling.

When I started smallstreams (.com), I promoted fly fishing the mountain stream. There was even room for fishermen using spinning techniques as long as good ethics were involved.

When Mr. Fujioka began to make his web site from his perspective in Japan, we promoted it without prejudice.

He is a Western Fly Angling enthusiast and also a early tenkara enthusiast. Dare I say the best person to represent tenkara from a Japanese perspective...

There is no tenkara is better than or vs. fly fishing.

Tenkara is fly fishing.

It is the easiest form, so easy nearly any child could be taught it with good success.

Western Fly Anglers by far comprise the larger skill pool. Their knowledge is greater, their skill level of handling a fly line is on par with a master level in comparison with the new to tenkara enthusiasts that will tell you it is the only way to fish.

Be advised that it is easier to catch fish this way but the skill level is shallow in comparison.

I have practiced it myself for three seasons fishing no other type of fly rod.

I have chosen to immerse myself in it to understand it as best as possible. I have researched tenkara choosing books written about it in Japan by the arguably known modern "father of modern tenkara" Soseki Yamamoto. He writes hand in hand about fly fishing (Western techniques) and tenkara.

Do not let tenkara be marketed to you.

Do not drink the media attention seekers kool aid.

Tenkara is just another way of fly fishing the mountain stream, a good choice and nothin more or less.