Thanks for the tips. I'm camping/fishing in SE Minnesota with a bunch of older (than me even) rich guys this weekend, and then traveling next weekend, and I won't get to that shop for at least several weeks. The shop doesn't sell stuff online, so I don't know for sure what they have. I saw the tenkara rods at their booth at a fly fishing show. Maybe when I get there I can get some advice.

There are guys in the Midwest that have used tenkara equipment, and the reviews are mixed at best. I see this as a specialized tactic for a few places only. Most of our jungle fishing won't allow for a long rod. In my quaking bog meadow, there's no chasing the fish up and down the stream. One misstep and you're waist deep or deeper in the muskeg. I have to strike the fish and land him without moving.

Well, we'll see how it goes.