Aloha went fishing on friday the 13th with Chet Young out at the reef runway flat. Got this small guy, but had shots at at least 100 fish. Hooked two more, but alas the jinx did not allow them to come to hand. It was a beautiful day and Chet has the ultimate set up for fishing the flats on Oahu. He has a very nice beavertail flats skiff and we enjoyed a nice time on the water.

Here I am fighting the fish on the bow. I was using the TFO BVK 8wt rod and am very happy with its performance. I had a problem when the backing got stuck on the reel spindle of an ula force waterworks reel. I like the reel because it is so light and balances with the BVK rod. I had to hand line the fish in, it was pretty wild.

Here is a shot of the bone in the water.

Here is a shot of Chet fishing on monday. We went back, but the wind played hell on us and we had our best shots while wading. It was a lot of fun and very challenging. My hand has healed up nicely and I feel comfortable casting with it now. If you come to Oahu, give Chet a call and I am sure you will enjoy seeing these massive bones, and get just as humbled as every other angler who has tried his luck here. Mems.