I am looking for a little advice, common knowledge that isn't so common to me.

I've hosted my first swap and it was successfu but long and arduous at best. All the flys arrived but it was a head ache for me to divide the flys. I feel I let my fellow swappers down in not providing good instruction as well.

I did have a lot of fun with tying and sharing our flys as our group is based in a relatively new form of fly fishing and fly tying, Japanese tenkara.

My questions are this; can you help me in understanding the basic instructions of what to detail to my fellow swappers? Not what patterns but simple stuff as in instructions in what should be included in the package?

I may have all the basics down already: SASE, Altoids tin container, descriptive tags for each fly, etc.

I want to keep the quality very high. I want to make sure I am serving the group well.

If you have some constructive criticism or links, cut and paste instructions on how to divide the flys, anything to help, I would truly appreciate it.

I am learning by doing and I really want to make sure that I am not letting anyone down.

Thank you in advance.