
After reading the intro information, I'm going to go ahead and create my first post. I found the forum through the Small
Fly Funk blog. I enjoy reading the post and especially seeing the beautiful flies he produces.

I live in central KY, so the trout fishing is very limited. Mostly to tailwaters several hours away (tough with no boat) or small, stocked streams that may or may not contain any fish depending on when the truck last rolled in and how many corn chuckers were waiting :x

This year, I'm shifting my focus to smallmouth because they are much more plentiful around the area and a helluva lot of fun to boot. I love to read up on anything fly fishing, regardless of my ability to do it or not. I am not an avid poster to forums, so I don't know if I will be 'allowed' in or not, but I understand the reasoning.

Thanks for listening. Until next time, I'll be looking for the perfect drift.
