As instructed...

My wife and I moved to Missoula in 2008 for me to go to grad school. Last September, a mountain biking friend visited on his way up to Whistler. After a few days of biking, fishing, and eating, his analysis was something to the effect that the fishing in Montana is much better than the mountain biking. Since moving from Arizona, I'd been in denial about that. Instead, I decided to embrace it, and had a fun autumn dragging my dad's old two-piece Orvis along on backpacks, dayhikes, and on my mountain bike. I'm currently researching Tenkara in preparation for the thaw and a summer of backpacking and trout fishing.

I know just enough about fishing to get out and occasionally catch fish. I like finding solitude, and fly fishing is a nice contemplative way to enjoy the woods. My age can perhaps be seen in that I no longer find it boring.

I've been adventuring outside since before I can remember. My parents met in a backpacking store in Atlanta, and as an adult I've been serially obsessed with rock climbing, canyoneering, mountain biking, ultra running, backcountry skiing, and wilderness racing. The last four are still fully active pursuits. But I've always liked to eat fish, and like I said, I'm learning to slow down a bit and enjoy looking around and hanging out. While still doing something (fishing), of course.