Satoshi, I love those Japanese trout. Beautiful orange spots!

I don't take many fish pictures because I don't have a digital camera, but here's a couple from this year. They're from a little stream that comes out of an old town reservoir that's now a "backup" reservoir...the dam that makes the reservoir is from the late 1800's and is in rough shape so the town's thinking of taking it down to save money. It'll be interesting to see if they do that and how the river changes if they do.

Both of these fish are from below the dam. I know they're wild fish because I caught my smallest brookie ever in this stretch, and not even the state of Massachusetts would stock a 2 inch brookie.

The black & white pic is mid-flop...that fish just would not stop flopping all over the place from the second I hooked him until I finally got him off the line.

The second pic is from late November, I think. It was a rare warm day so my girlfriend and I went for a hike along the river. Suddenly she screams "Is that a trout?!?!!?!" (she's rather excitable). I couldn't figure out what she was talking about because we were 40 feet away from the river, but there was this little guy in a tiny feeder that's normally a trickle but became big enough to swim up from all the rain we'd had that week. A foot wide and 6 inches deep at most.

I've really started to love this no-name's 10 minutes from my house, great fishing, I never see anybody else there and it's nice and cool in the hot summer. Only issue is the POISON IVY all over the freaking place.

[attachment=1:2hrhlcqc]Reservoir Brookie2.JPG[/attachment:2hrhlcqc]
[attachment=0:2hrhlcqc]feeder brookie.JPG[/attachment:2hrhlcqc]