Quote Originally Posted by lawrenceh_w View Post
I've been using a March Brown Hidden Water 7-piece, 6'6" #3 rod this year witha DT3 line. I need to get a new reel (looking at an Orvis BBS I ... it just looks so ... right). The good thing with the rod is that the section above the butt can be removed (no rod ring) instantly shortening it to 5'6". Really handy for those tight little spots.

So far I'm very impressed with it. It's got a lovely mid to full flex action. Nice and matt finish as well. The cork handle fits really nicely in my hand as well.
You're not kidding, I picked up a MB 7' 4 weight about a year or two ago to serve as a travel rod - so easy to carry on an airplane - and I'm surprised how much I like it.
The fact that it breaks down a section is pretty convenient. Not my first choice when fishing smaller water (I've become a bit of a tenkara junkie), but not a rod I feel bad about grabbing.
I pair it with a relatively inexpensive Albright Topwater Click & Pawl, makes for a nice match.