These shots where taken a few months back, the water was clear & the trout spooked but the slightest movement, places in this stream where hard to get in & out off, the smallest mistake, on these tough streams, could lead to a lot of pain & trouble, as i found out this year to my cost.
But like most of us here, the rewards, are well worth the effort, & the risks we take, for that bar of gold at the end. If it was easy, it wouldn,t be worth while doing.
These are places that i feel alive, when casting over a spookey brown, be it a 4 inch fish, or a 14 inch fish, or hauling ass, in & out of the pools.
The title, MMMMMMMMMMmm TOUGH FISH, TOUGH STREAM & TOUGH MEN,,,, AAAAaaaaaaa, We all have our own Madness,

Hope you have enjoyed my little madness & the trip along this stream.